Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conversano Marina (Conversano Barbarina X Marina by Pluto Bona II) 6 years old.

Friday, September 10, 2010

1, 2 and...........3??

Flying changes that is!!!  We finally have two changes on a line... we are working towards #3 pretty soon!! Yesterday 1 and 2 where very very easy to get!  Good Boy Con Mar!  I will say that even though he is a super talent... I have had EVERY version of Flying Changes known to has been VERY amusing and I have had a very hard time not LAUGHING at him when he is going through his leaps and kicks... He has more control over his hindquarters than any horse I have EVER trained... he enjoys showing me how much control he has on a regular basis!
The trot work is coming along as well.  He has all his lateral work and the extended trot is FINALLY starting to make an appearence... this has been his most difficult thing... but, it is coming! 
I was right about the double bridle...he does prefer to wear it..he is much more comfortable in it (the weight I believe) so he is wearing it more regularly... I also prefer it with a stallion just in case!  My dad would tell you just because you have it doesn't mean you USE IT.... I agree.  SO.... because he is being such a good boy...he will be getting a new double for Christmas!!  There is so many to chose from that it will take me that long to get the one we both want :)
I haven't forgotten about VIDEO and New PHOTOS of Con Mar and I.... and hopefully we will be attending a clinic in October/Nov.... To Be Announced!  HAPPY RIDING!