This blog is for the journey of CM and myself as we make our way to Grand Prix.. I am so pleased with his progress perfecting 3rd level and moving to 4th level that is is nice to stop and just enjoy the journey sometimes!! Training horses has been such a wonderful life for me...I have the best horses of my life (CM included) and students who are just AMAZING... I feel like it is all coming together like I have always dreamed. I have worked so hard...
Just the other day my mom and I were talking...and we started to count the horses I have trained and the ones I have had the honor of riding (horses that taught ME vs. me teaching them) to date I have trained 5.5 FEI horses from green to FEI some PSG and some more (piaffe, one tempies, full pirouettes) on my own... I have RIDDEN (meaning these horses were trained by my parents and some instances horses trained elsewhere and brought here to be moved on or "fixed")... 16 horses ABOVE FEI... this does not include all the babies I have had and lower level horses under 4th level (SO MANY, too many too even count)... WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE I HAVE HAD SO FAR!!!! (and a priceless opportunity)
Thanks to all the horses in my past... I am able to train the horses I have now with the program that works for me...following the methods of all the great masters, and of course my parents! Each and every one of those horses has given me the gift of knowledge... I am so grateful.
SO this blog is for CM... and someday he will be the one of the horses that helped educate me on how to train my youngsters...
Here is to ENJOYING THE JOURNEY, learning all we can, and paying it forward!